We meet kids at their dreams and reading needs!

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Our Mission

The Young Dreamers’ Bookstore is a mobile book retail startup founded in 2022 for young children and their families. We provide dream-centered and enriching children’s books that “meet kids at their dreams.” We proudly feature books that herald protagonists of African descent from across the globe.

We assist children in seeing the connection between reading books and creating dreams of personal fulfillment and social consequence.

We look forward to serving you and the young dreamers in your life.

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Dream Categories

Bold Dreamers are…

fearless individuals who overcome barriers to accomplish extraordinary dreams. Books in this category speak to the following themes: biographies, historical fiction, and superheroes. These books assist young dreamers in building the confidence to boldly develop and advance their dreams!

Creative Dreamers are…

individuals who show a willingness or desire to create beauty in the world through the arts or creative thinking. Books in this category show characters engaging in the dance, poetry, painting, music, and imaginative thinking. These books assist young dreamers expanding their minds with the purpose of making the world a more beautiful place.

Innovative Dreamers are…

individual who seeking to create or recreate an idea to make the world better. Books in this category speak to the fields Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship, Innovative thinking. When kids read books from this category, they are learning about people who create products, services, or ways of thinking that make life better.

Loved Dreamers are…

Individuals who want to learn how to incorporate social and emotional wellness into their daily lives. Books in this category assist young dreamers in identifying their emotions and reinforces how adults in their lives care about them and their holistic development.

Learning Dreamers are…

Individuals who view learning as an experience that assist in creating and advancing their dreams. Books in this category exposes children to concepts and experiences that will aid them in becoming academically excellent.

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